Element files


Filebooks according to the element attribute of the things.
File of fire /fáiləffáiɚ/
File of fire Filebook carrying the informations on the things corresponding to the element "Ignis".
File of water /fáiləvwɔ́:tɚ/
File of water Filebook carrying the informations on the things corresponding to the element "Aqua".
File of light /fáiləvláit/
File of light Filebook carrying the informations on the things corresponding to the element "Lumen".
File of wind /fáiləvwínd/
File of wind Filebook carrying the informations on the things corresponding to the element "Ventus".
File of earth /fáiləvə́:rθ/
File of earth Filebook carrying the informations on the things corresponding to the element "Tellus".
File of shadow /fáiləfʃǽdou/
File of shadow Filebook carrying the informations on the things corresponding to the element "Umbra".
File of non-attributivity /fáiləvnɑnətribjətíviti/
File of non-attributivity Filebook carrying the informations on the things neutral from element attributes.