Aqua Magics


Aqua-attributive magics and magics related with the element "Aqua".
Freez /frí:z/
Freez Lower Aqua-attributive offensive magic.
Deals Aqua-attributive damages by about 50.
Acquisition order 1.

Has a similar effect to the lower magic item "Narcissus petal".
Di-furie /difjúəri/
Di-furie Restorational magic which cures a target of excitement.
Acquisition order 2.

Has a similar effect to the curative medicine "Tranquilizer".
Sault-down /sɔ́:ltdaun/
Sault-down Indirect magic which diminishes the physical offensivity of a target.
Acquisition order 3.

Has a similar effect to the silencer "Fays' binding".
High-freez /háifri:z/
High-freez Middle Aqua-attributive offensive magic.
Deals Aqua-attributive damages by about 150.
Acquisition order 4.

Has a similar effect to the middle magic item "Raw sapphire".
En-sleep /enslí:p/
En-sleep Indirect magic which provokes a target to sleep.
Acquisition order 5.

Has a similar effect to the provocative medicine "Dormitive".
Durie-uppe /djúəriʌp/
Durie-uppe Indirect magic which increases the magical defensivity of a target.
Acquisition order 6.

Has a similar effect to the enhancer "Mermen tear".
Icing-veil /áisiŋveil/
Icing-veil Indirect magic which halves Ignis-attributive damages.
Acquisition order 7.

Has a similar effect to the magic veil "Cyanoveil".
Mega-freez /mégəfri:z/
Mega-freez Upper Aqua-attributive offensive magic.
Deals Aqua-attributive damages by about 500.
Acquisition order 8.

Has a similar effect to the upper magic item "Undine's eye".
Icing-barr /áisiŋbɑ:r/
Icing-barr Indirect magic which nullifies Ignis-attributive damages.
Acquisition order 9.

Has a similar effect to the magic barrier "Aquion barrier".