Summoning level 2


Summoned goddesses cohering two kinds of elements.
Psyche /psy:kʰé:/
Psyche (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Eurydice /eurydíke:/
Eurydice (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Tellus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Pandora /pandó:ra:/
Pandora (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Ariadne /ariádne:/
Ariadne (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Tellus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Iphigeneia /i:pʰgéneia/
Iphigeneia (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Medeia /mé:deia/
Medeia (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Andromeda /androméda:/
Andromeda (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Electra /e:léktra:/
Electra (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Penthesileia /pentʰesíleia/
Penthesileia (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis and Ventus magics have been acquired.
Galateia /galáteia/
Galateia (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua and Tellus magics have been acquired.
Arachne /arákʰne:/
Arachne (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis and Tellus magics have been acquired.
Nausicaa /nausikáa:/
Nausicaa (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua and Ventus magics have been acquired.
Sculd /skúld/
Sculd (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis and Aqua magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Uld /úld/
Uld (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Veldandi /veldándi/
Veldandi (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)