Summoning level 3


Summoned goddesses cohering three kinds of elements.
Helene /heléne:/
Helene (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Ventus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Nice /ní:ke:/
Nice (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Ventus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Rhea /rʰéa:/
Rhea (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Tellus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Astraia /astráia:/
Astraia (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Ventus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Kali /ká:li:/
Kali (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Tellus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Eris /éris/
Eris (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Ventus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Iris /í:ris/
Iris (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Tellus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Circe /kírke:/
Circe (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Tellus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Cybele /kybére:/
Cybele (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Armati /á:rmati/
Armati (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Fortuna /fortúnə/
Fortuna (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Ame-no-uzume /ámeno udzumé/
Ame-no-uzume (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus, Ignis and Aqua magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Eos /e:ó:s/
Eos (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Lumen, Ignis and Aqua magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Frrja /fréia/
Frrja (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Lumen, Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Thetis /tʰétis/
Thetis (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Astarte /astárte/
Astarte (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Flora /fló:rə/
Flora (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Tellus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Konohana-sakuya /konohanasákuja/
Konohana-sakuya (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Tellus, Ignis and Aqua magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Devi /dé:vi/
Devi (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Umbra, Ignis and Aqua magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Gomory /gómori/
Gomory (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Umbra, Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)