Summoning level 4


Summoned goddesses cohering four kinds of elements.
Seraphim /sérapʰim/
Seraphim (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Aqua, Ventus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Gaia /gáia/
Gaia (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Aqua, Tellus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Berphegor /bérfego:r/
Berphegor (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Aqua, Ventus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Persephone /persepʰóne:/
Persephone (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Aqua, Tellus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Ishtar /íʃtar/
Ishtar (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Ventus, Tellus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Amphitrite /ampʰitrí:te:/
Amphitrite (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Ventus, Tellus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Themis /tʰémis/
Themis (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Ventus, Tellus and Lumen magics have been acquired.
Nemesis /némesis/
Nemesis (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Ventus, Tellus and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Izanami /idzanamí/
Izanami (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Ventus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Selene /selé:ne:/
Selene (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Tellus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Hecate /hekáte:/
Hecate (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Tellus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Cherubim /kʰérubim/
Cherubim (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Ventus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Parvati /pa:rváti/
Parvati (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus, Tellus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Sarasvati /sarasváti/
Sarasvati (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Aqua, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)
Laksmi /lákʃmi/
Laksmi (property undecided)
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Aqua, Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired. (hard to acquire)