Summoning level 5


Summoned goddesses cohering five kind of elements.
Hestia /hestía:/
Hestia Deals the whole enemies Ignis-attributive damages by about 3500.
Able to acquire if all of the Ignis, Ventus, Tellus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Aphrodite /apʰrodí:te:/
Aphrodite Deals the whole enemies Aqua-attributive damages by about 3500.
Able to acquire if all of the Aqua, Ventus, Tellus, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Artemis /ártemis/
Artemis Deals the whole enemies Lumen-attributive damages by about 3500.
Able to acquire if all of the Lumen, Ignis, Aqua, Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired.
Athena /atʰe:ná:/
Athena Deals the whole enemies Ventus-attributive damages by about 3500.
Able to acquire if all of the Ventus, Ignis, Aqua, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Demeter /de:mé:te:r/
Demeter Deals the whole enemies Tellus-attributive damages by about 3500.
Able to acquire if all of the Tellus, Ignis, Aqua, Lumen and Umbra magics have been acquired.
Hera /hé:ra:/
Hera Deals the whole enemies Umbra-attributive damages by about 3500.
Able to acquire if all of the Umbra, Ignis, Aqua, Ventus and Tellus magics have been acquired.