

Initial jobs of Primestars.
They acquire the same special magics to one of sportsgirls.
Flame-master /fléimmęstɚ/
Flame-master Rouge's initial job.
Acquires the same special magics to Gymnast.
Freez-master /frķ:zmęstɚ/
Freez-master Marine's initial job.
Acquires the same special magics to Ballerina.
Spark-master /spɑ́:rkmęstɚ/
Spark-master Lunaris's initial job.
Acquires the same special magics to Athlete.
Storm-master /stɔ́:rmmęstɚ/
Storm-master Aurora's initial job.
Acquires the same special magics to Tennis-player.
Quake-master /kwéikmęstɚ/
Quake-master Chloris's initial job.
Acquires the same special magics to Fencer.
Shade-master /ʃéidmęstɚ/
Shade-master Noėl's initial job.
Acquires the same special magics to Swimmer.