

The classmates regarding Jewelryeyes as rivals.
They can be handled characters on the special condition.
Primrose Minamino /prímrouz minaminó/
Primrose Minamino The 15-year-old girl who is one of Pÿris's classmates.

Now under construction.
Narcissa Hamaguchi /narsísa hamágutʃi/
Narcissa Hamaguchi The 15-year-old girl who is one of Mina's classmates.

Now under construction.
Lilia Mochidzuki /lília motʃídzɯki/
Lilia Mochidzuki The 15-year-old girl who is one of Lutié's classmates.

Now under construction.
Daisy Nishizaki /déizi niʃízaki/
Daisy Nishizaki The 15-year-old girl who is one of Cephire's classmates.

Now under construction.
Pink Sakagami /píŋk sakagamí/
Pink Sakagami The 15-year-old girl who is one of Silfis's classmates.

Now under construction.
Rosa Kitahara /ró:za ki̥táhara/
Rosa Kitahara The 15-year-old girl who is one of Erine's classmates.

Now under construction.